Working Together to Improve the Quality of Life for Seniors

Wings of Angels Awards

Broward Coalition on Aging will acknowledge the work of elder care professionals at its Annual Wings of Angels Awards Ceremony.

Nominate a CNA, HHA, MA or other caregiver that directly assists clients on a daily basis with ADLs (activities of daily living) or other essential needs such as dining, housekeeping, transportation, maintenance, etc., and who performs above and beyond the line of duty at your organization.  Selected honorees will also receive a cash prize.

Nominations are open to anyone
serving seniors in Broward County


What a great way to recognize someone special!

Attend the Wings of Angels Awards Ceremony Breakfast
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Garden Plaza
4251 Rock Island Road
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33319

Nominations are Open Now

You may also Register to Attend 09-26-24 the Networking & Awards Breakfast
However, please cancel in advance if your schedule changes
[email protected]
Thank you

Nominator Information


Nominee Information


Nomination Narrative

Describe in detail why you are nominating this individual. Response limited to a MAXIMUM of 250 words ONLY. You may want to write your responses in a word document in order to edit your responses before completing this online application.
Please describe a SPECIFIC INSTANCE IN DETAIL when this individual went "above and beyond" their normal duties to assist their patient. Response limited to a MAXIMUM of 250 words ONLY. You may want to write your responses in a word document in order to edit your responses before completing this online application.
How long has your nominee been working in elder care?(Required)
Would your nominee be able to attend the BCOA Meeting?(Required)
CoChairs Marjie Aloni & Lisa Peters
Eric Guitian
Teri Karst & Rosemarie Clarke
Myrtle Lewis
Josiane Louis & Robin Cohen
Preet Sahi & Cynthia Levy

Working Together to Improve the Quality of Life for Seniors

2801 S Federal Highway #21182
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316

©​ 2021 Broward Coalition on Aging

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